Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Update on Kids Helping Kids Program

Monday, May 24, 2010

This week Chances for Children launched our newest project in Haiti. Through donations from our Kids Helping Kids Program and matching funds from Haiti Renewal Fund we are partnering with Institute Univers located in Ouanaminthe, Haiti (pronounced wan-a-minth). Institute Univers provides education to children from preschool through Grade 13. The school was recently ranked as one of the top ten schools in Haiti by the Ministry of Education. In 2009 they had their first graduating class- of the 15 graduates, 10 students went on to college (which is an amazing statistic in a place like Haiti). Five of these students are currently attending universities in the U.S. Chances for Children is making a $70,000 donation to provide tuition support for 350 students who were displaced in the earthquake and have moved to Ouanaminthe and are now enrolled in this excellent school. Chances for Children selected Institute Univers because the in-country directors also believe in the holistic village approach (we call it a Model Village) to bringing about Haiti’s long term recovery.

In Haiti, education is a key component to recovery. While this project does not directly target the needs of children affected by abject poverty – it is a critical solution to eliminating poverty in Haiti through education. Chances for Children is excited about this partnership, because not only do children have the opportunity to receive a quality education, they also have the opportunity (thanks to the high ranking scores of Institue Univers students) to attend college.

Unfortunately, after most children in Haiti have finished high school, they have reached the end of the road educationally and there are very few career opportunities available to them. These once hopeful students often find themselves with no means to earn a living and quickly become disenfranchised and hopeless. Institute Univers offers a promise of hope for young adults as they prepare students for further education and an opportunity to attend college. In addition, Institute Univers offers a number of programs to address the other components needed to create sustainability to the community in which they serve. Institute Univers has a modern medical clinic that provides affordable health care and is staffed with 54 full-time doctors, nurses and medical professionals. The organization is actively involved in the community. C4C will be providing funding and support to Institute Univers to create its first vocational facility, offering classes in sewing and automechanics. In addition we will be looking at job creation through agricultural programs.

Your donations can change a childs future!

There are many children in Haiti who still do not have the opportunity to attend school and no hope for a future. Your donation to our education program will allow us to continue to enroll more students in this excellent academic institution. If you would like to help with our efforts in creating skilled workers (through vocational training and job creation) we encourage you to donate to this program as well. Please visit our donation page.

Additionally, if you are interested in making a more personalized connection – there are 4 students who will be graduating in June who have demonstrated academic excellence, and we are currently looking for colleges and tuition scholarships for them. Please contact if you have contacts at small colleges or have the financial ability to help these young students.

Chances for Children is also preparing to open another orphanage in Port-au-Prince to provide care for children who have been abandoned or orphaned from the earthquake. We will be traveling to Haiti in June and in August to complete the necessary on-site projects. We will begin admitting children once the site is complete. Chances for Children will continue to partner with organizations like Foundation Enfant Jesus and Institute Univers who share our vision of the Model Village and are on the ground in Haiti executing programs to make lasting and sustainable change. Please take a minute to visit our website to see more pictures of the new partnership with Institute Univers at

Again, continued thanks for your support. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children in Haiti.

With Gratitude,Chances for Children

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Wilson Elementary School, Wilson, WY

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank You for Joining the Drive

Centennial Elementary School, Springfield, Oregon


Seale Jr High, Robstown, Texas

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Margaret Fain Elementary, GA

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Kids Helping Kids Video

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Welcome to the Drive

Cinco Ranch Church of Christ, Katy, TX!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Greenfield Elementary School, Jacksonville, FL!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pilot School - Lincoln Elementary Announces Their Success!

On Friday, February 12, 2010, Lincoln Elementary School of Kennewick, Washington (a pilot school for the Kids Helping Kids Program) held an assembly to learn more about Haiti and to announce the success of their drive!

The assembly was put together by Christi Sorbel, the kindergarten teacher to Darline Connors. Darline was adopted thru Chances for Children from Creche l'Enfant de Jesus in Haiti, and came home forever in May of 2009. It was Darline's idea that prompted her teacher to start a coin drive at Lincoln Elementary two weeks ago. Darline told her teacher that the "the earth shook in Haiti, the people in Haiti need our help, and I have a lot of friends and family in Haiti, what are we going to do help?" That quote put Ms. Sorbel into action!

April Connors, Darline's mom, and volunteer for Chances for Children, gave an overview of Haiti, the orphanage and what life is like in Haiti.

A beautiful slide show followed with a Haitian song performed by Ms. Sorbel's kindergarten class. At the conclusion of the slide show the check was revealed that Lincoln Elementary had raised $4,050 for Chances for Children! The kids were elated and the room roared when Ms. Connors announced that their donations were being doubled by Lynn and Foster Friess of Wyoming!

The children worked very hard over two weeks to collect money. In the photo above are 5 students critical to the success of the drive, left to right:

Coltyn: Helped prompt his classroom to raise $600 thru his spirit and giving. He gave up his savings for Haiti as well as donating his lost tooth money!

Darline: Did a great job speaking at the assembly and getting the drive started with Ms. Sorbel.

Maysen: Rallied her class and school by making signs and daily encouragement to everyone. Maysen had also been saving her money for one and a half years to buy an American Girl doll and gave her entire savings to the cause.

Chloe: She and Coltyn were the driving force in their class to raise so much money.

Katy: Sister to Darline, she is a huge advocate for Haiti and help to spur her class with donations.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thanks for Joining Us

Ruth Livingston Elementary Teachers, Pasco, WA

Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to the Drive!

South Hills Church of Kennewick, WA!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Will Your School be Next?

Welcome Old Mission School in San Luis Obispo, CA!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


San Tans Heights, Scottsdale, AZ and Sonoran Trails Middle School, Scottsdale, AZ. Your school can join also, go to:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Download the Program for Your School!!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Kids Helping Kids Hope For Haiti Program

Information will be coming by the end of the week on how to include your school or organization to help rebuild schools in Haiti.

This program is being run in conjuction with Chances for Children and Haiti Renewal Fund

If you need more immediate information on how your school or service group can help, please contact

Heartfelt Thanks to Waterworks Graphics!

A heartfelt thank you to Kim Hawkins for the use of her Hope for Haiti artwork to raise funds and awareness for Haiti.

If you are interested in ordering Hope for Haiti merchandise, please click the following link: